- Spring 2022
- Location: Plant Sciences Hall (room 272)
- Time: Tuesday and Thursday 11:00-12:15 am
- Office Hour: Thursday 12:15-1:00 pm (except for the first Thursday of the month)
- Prerequisites:
- AGRO 815A, 815B, and 815D,
- and STAT-802 or equivalent,
- or permission of the instructor.
Suggested textbooks and Reading Materials
- Hahn, M. 2019. Molecular population genetics. Oxford.
- Bernardo, R. 2020. Breeding for quantitative traits in plants. 3rd Ed. Stemma Press.
- Lynch, M. and B. Walsh. 1998. Vol. 1: Genetics and analysis of quantitative traits. Sinauer, MA
R and statistics resources
- Basic R: Quick online reference for data input, basic statistics, and plots.
- Advanced R by Hadley Wickham.
- R Markdown: The definitive Guide by Yihui Xie et al.,
- STHDA: Statistical tools for high-throughput data analysis.
Schedule 2020
Week 1: Introduction and Overview
- 01-18 (Tue): [Lecture] Introduction about crop improvement
- [Canvas materials]
- 01-20 (Thu): [Lab] Research Project Management using RStudio, HCC, and GitHub
- Reading: [hcc doc] and [hcc-usage in the J. Yang lab]
- [HTML]
Part I. Population Genomics: Crop Domestication and Implications for Plant Breeding
Week 2: Experimental design for selection scan
- 01-25 (Tue): [Lecture] Experimental design and basic population genetics terminology
- [Canvas materials]
- Reading: Hahn 2019. Chapter 1 and 2
- 01-27 (Thu): [Lab] Slurm job and Wright-Fisher simulation
- [HTML]
Week 3: Next-generation sequencing and diversity measurement
- 02-01 (Tue): [Lecture] Next-generation sequencing and diversity measurement
- [Canvas materials] and [HTML]
- Reading: Hahn 2019. Chapter 3
- [Canvas materials] and [HTML]
- 02-03 (Thu): [Lab] Theta calculation
- [HTML]
- Computational resources: [ANGSD website]
Week 4: Population differentiation
- 02-08 (Tue): [Lecture] Measuring population differentiation
- [Canvas materials] and [HTML]
- Reading: Hahn 2019. Chapter 5
- 02-10 (Thu): [Lab] Calculate Fst
- [HTML]
- Computational resources:
Week 5: Scan for direct selection
- 02-15 (Tue): [Lecture] Direct selection
- [Hahn 2019, Chapter 7]
- [Canvas materials] and [HTML]
- 02-17 (Thu): [Lab] Submitting slurm jobs
- [HTML]
Week 6: Linked selection
- 02-22 (Tue): [Lecture] Linked selection
- [Hahn 2019, Chapter 8]
- [HTML]
- 02-24 (Thu): [Lab] Breaking down statistics into genomic features
- [HTML]
Week 7: Wrap up the population genomics session
- 03-01 (Tue): [Lecture] Population genomics summary
- [Hahn 2019, Chapter 10] and [Canvas materials]
- 03-03 (Thu): [Lab] Popular popgen software
- [HTML]
Part II. Conventional Breeding: Mating Design and Heritability Estimation
Week 8: Transition from Pop Gen to Quant Gen
- 03-08 (Tue): [Lecture] Definition of breeding populations
- [Bernardo, Chapter 2]
- [HTML]
- 03-10 (Thu): [Lecture] Phenotypic and genotypic values
- [Bernardo, Chapter 3]
- [HTML]
Week 9:
- 3-13 to 3-20: Spring Break
Week 10: Breeding population means and variances
- 03-22 (Thu): [Lecture] Phenotypic and genetic variances
- [Bernardo, Chapter 6]
- [HTML]
- [Due date for Mid-term paper: March 25th]
- 03-24 (Thu): [Lab] Compute phenotypic values and variances
- [HTML]
Week 11: Mating designs and Estimating Genetic Variances
- 03-29 (Tue): [Lecture] Mating design
- [Bernardo, Chapter 7] or [Lynch and Walsh, Chapter 18]
- [HTML]
- 03-31 (Thu): [Lab] Genetics variances calculation
- [HTML]
Part III. Genome-enabled Breeding and GWAS
Week 12: Best linear unbiased prediction
- 04-05 (Tue): [Lecture] BLUP introduction and Matrix operations
- [Bernardo, Chapter 10] or [Lynch and Walsh, Chapter 8]
- [HTML]
- 04-07 (Thu): [Lecture] BLUP calculation for breeding populations
- [HTML]
Week 13: Genome-enabled selection
- 04-12 (Tue): [Lecture] Genomic selection
- [Bernardo, Chapter 11]
- [HTML]
- 04-14 (Thu): [Lab] Genomic selection in practice (1)
- [HTML]
Week 14: GS and GWAS via mixed models
- 04-19 (Tue): [Lab] Genomic selection in practice (2)
- [Canvas materials] and [HTML]
- 04-21 (Thu): [Lecture] Genome-wide association study
- [Bernardo, Chapter 11]
- [HTML]
Week 15: Association mapping via mixed models
- 04-26 (Tue): [Lab1] GWAS in practice (1)
- 04-28 (Thu): [Lab2] GWAS in practice (2)
- [HTML]
Part IV. Emerging Technologies in Plant Breeding
- 05-03 (Tue): Guest lecture: Harnessing Microbiome for future Crop Improvement
- 05-05 (Thu): Final project presentation