class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Population differentiation ### Jinliang Yang ### Feb. 11, 2025 --- # What is a __population__? __Population__ or __subpopulation__ (these two terms will be used interchangeably) means a group of randomly mated diploid individuals. -- ## At genomics level? .pull-left[ <div align="center"> <img src="pops.png" height=200> </div> ] -- .pull-right[ Two populations with __A__ and __a__ alleles. #### In population 1: `\(p_1 =0.8\)` and `\(q_1=0.2\)` #### In population 2: `\(p_2=0.2\)` and `\(q_2=0.8\)` ] --- # Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) For a single locus with two alleles: - __A__ ( `\(p\)` ) and __a__ ( `\(q\)` ) There are three possible diploid genotypes: - __AA__, __Aa__, and __aa__ -- Under HWE, assuming there is no selection, no mutation, no migration, no drift, and random mating, the expected genotype frequencies for the three diploid genotypes are: `\begin{align*} E(p_{AA}) = p^2 \\ E(p_{Aa}) = 2pq \\ E(p_{aa}) = q^2 \\ \end{align*}` --- # Population differentiation If a population is not completely random mating, the allele frequencies within a subpopulation will tend to be different. - Mutation - Selection - Drift - Migration -- ## Population structure Population differentiation leads to __population structure__ - Individuals __within population__ tend to be more closely related than individuals __between populations__. --- # Population differentiation <div align="center"> <img src="pops.png" height=200> </div> ### How do we measure differences among populations? ### How do we define population in practice? --- # The Wahlund Effect ## Departure from HWE The form of the deviation from HWE is always the same: - The are __fewer heterozygotes__ observed than are expected under HWE -- This deficit of heterozygotes is known as the __Wahlund effect__. - It occurs when sampling multiple subpopulations without knowning the underlying population structure: -- .pull-left[ <div align="center"> <img src="pops.png" height=200> </div> ] -- .pull-right[ - Sample equal number of individuals => `\(\bar{p}=0.5\)` - heterozygotes: `\(2\bar{p}\bar{q} = 0.5\)` - The observed heterozygotes should be `\(2p_1q_1=2 \times 0.8 \times0.2=0.32\)` or `\(2p_2q_2=0.32\)` ] --- # The Wahlund Effect A useful measure of allele frequency differences among populations will be the variance in frequencies, `\(\sigma^2\)`. -- The mean of the subpopulation allele frequencies will be: `\begin{align*} & E(p) = \bar{p} = \frac{\sum_i^np_i}{n} \\ \end{align*}` -- The variance of `\(p\)` is: `\begin{align*} & Var(p) = \sigma^2 = \frac{\sum_i^n (p_i - \bar{p})^2}{n} \\ \end{align*}` -- In general, the magnitude of the Wahlund effect on the expected frequency of each genotype can be denoted as: `\begin{align*} & E(p_{AA}) = \bar{p}^2 + \sigma^2 \\ & E(P_{Aa}) = 2\bar{p}\bar{q} - 2\sigma^2 \\ & E(p_{aa}) = \bar{q}^2 + \sigma^2 \end{align*}` Where `\(\bar{p}\)` and `\(\bar{q}\)` represent the average allele frequencies across populations. --- # Measuring popl. differentiation using `\(F_{ST}\)` Variance in allele frequency is highly dependent on the average allele frequency. - i.e., a locus with an average allele freq of `\(p=0.5\)` will show a much higher variance among populations than a locus sampled from exactly the same individuals but with `\(p=0.1\)`. -- To standardize the variance, we define a new statistic of differentiation as: `\begin{align*} F_{ST} = \frac{\sigma^2}{\bar{p}\bar{q}} \end{align*}` - `\(\sigma^2\)` is the observed sample variance in the freq of allele `\(A\)` among populations - `\(\bar{p}\)` and `\(\bar{q}\)` is the average freq of allele `\(A\)` and `\(a\)` among populations --- # Measuring popl. differentiation using `\(F_{ST}\)` `\begin{align*} F_{ST} = \frac{\sigma^2}{\bar{p}\bar{q}} \end{align*}` - `\(\sigma^2\)` is the observed sample variance in the freq of allele `\(A\)` among populations - `\(\bar{p}\)` and `\(\bar{q}\)` is the average freq of allele `\(A\)` and `\(a\)` among populations .pull-left[ <div align="center"> <img src="pops.png" height=200> </div> ] -- .pull-right[ - `\(\sigma^2=0.09\)` - `\(\bar{p} = 0.5\)` and `\(\bar{q} = 0.5\)` - `\(F_{ST} = \frac{0.9}{0.5 \times 0.5} = 0.36\)` ] --- # Measuring popl. differentiation using `\(F_{ST}\)` `\(F_{ST}\)` was first introduced by Wright (1931, 1943, 1951). - The amount of differentiation among subpopulations. - It had the same expected value for neutral alleles __at any frequency__. - `\(F_{ST}\)` ranges between 0 and 1. - `\(F_{ST} = 0\)` indicates no differentiation - `\(F_{ST} = 1\)` indicates complete fixation of aleternative alleles in different subpopulations -- #### Relate `\(F_{ST}\)` back to the Wahlund effect `\begin{align*} & E(p_{AA}) = \bar{p}^2 + \bar{p}\bar{q}F_{ST} \\ & E(P_{Aa}) = 2\bar{p}\bar{q} - 2\bar{p}\bar{q}F_{ST} \\ & E(p_{aa}) = \bar{q}^2 + \bar{p}\bar{q}F_{ST} \end{align*}` - When there is no differentiation ( `\(F_{ST}=0\)` ), there is no deficit of heterozygotes. - But when there is complete differentiation ( `\(F_{ST}=1\)` ), there is complete lack of heterozygotes. --- # Evidence for population differentiation Using our example, by applying a `\(\chi^2\)` test, we find the probability that these allele counts were drawn from one single population to be `\(P=0.025\)`. ```r chisq.test(matrix(c(8,2,2,8), ncol=2)) ``` ``` ## ## Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction ## ## data: matrix(c(8, 2, 2, 8), ncol = 2) ## X-squared = 5, df = 1, p-value = 0.02535 ``` In the other words, it is likely that the two subpolutions are differentiated. -- ### Permutation using `\(F_{ST}\)` or related measures - The null hypothesis is that `\(F_{ST}=0\)` - Permute the samples among populations many times, generating a null distribution of values - The P-value is then based on the position of the observed value of `\(F_{ST}\)` in the simulated distribution. --- # Evidence for population differentiation ### How do we interpret our summaries of differentiation? How much is "a lot" or "a little" differentiation? -- ### Wright's guidelines Wright (1978, p.85) > "We will take `\(F_{ST} =0.25\)` as an arbitrary value above which there is very great differentiation, the range 0.15 to 0.25 as indicating moderately great differentiation." - The results depend on the markers being used. - Not the magitude of any particular value of `\(F_{ST}\)`, but rather the __evolutionary forces__ driving such differentiation. --- # Evolutionary processes on differentiation Much of the recent work in this field has been focused on teasing apart the patterns generated by these forces. ### Mutation - The effect of mutation will be quite small, mainly be limited to the introduction of new alleles into populations ### Drift ### Migration ### __Selection__ - We will focus on the overall effects of selection on difference between populations. --- # The effect of selection on population differentiation ## Strong negative selection - Will prevent any variants from reaching appreciable population frequency and - Therefore, will have __little effect__ on the differentiation among segregating polymorphisms. ## Weak negative selection - Allow variants to segregate at low frequencies - but constrains the range of allele frequencies that are possible --- ## Weak negative selection - Allow variants to segregate at low frequencies - but constrains the range of allele frequencies that are possible - This constraint means that __on average `\(F_{ST}\)` will be lower for a weakly deleterious variant__ than for a typical neutral one that is able to drift to any frequency. <div align="center"> <img src="fig5.5.png" height=300> </div> From Hahn 2019, Figure 5.5. Effect of negative selection on `\(F_{ST}\)`. --- ## Balancing selection - Weak __negative selection__ will cause variants to be _at a lower frequencies within each population_. - Polymorphsims under __balancing selection__ may be _at any frequency_. - But, balancing selection also constrains the range of possible allele frequencies. - Means smaller changes in allele frequencies between populations as compared to neutral SNPs. - Acts to __lower `\(F_{ST}\)`__. -- ## Positive selection Acts similarly across all subpopulations within a species _is not expected to cause population differentiation_. However, positive selection restricted to a subset of populations, refferred to as __local adaptation__, can result in very large differences in allele frequencies. --- ## Positive selection .pull-left[ <div align="center"> <img src="fig5.6.png" height=500> </div> ] -- .pull-right[ From Hahn 2019, Figure 5.6. Effect of positive selection on `\(F_{ST}\)`. Figure shows the large excess of nonsynonymous SNPs with `\(F_{ST} > 0.65\)`. This excess is measured relative to SNPs presumed to be under little direct selection (in this example, nongenic SNPs). ] --- # Defining Populations - Require to first identify populations - To assign our samples to these populations -- #### Population are known ahead of time - The assignment of individuals to populations. #### Population are not predefined - Simultaneously estimate the number of populations and to assign individuals to populations. -- #### Admixed population Some individuals in our sample may have mixed ancestry - Genetic origins trace back to multiple populations. - To estimate the fraction of their ancestry contributed by each source population. --- ## Using the Wahlund effect to identify population structure The logic is: - Mis-assigning individuals to subpopulations can cause them to be in __Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium__ by introducing unlikely genotypes. -- - One way is to attempt to minimize the amount of __Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium__ -- Most software packages do this by trying a very large number of different assignments, often by using MCMC methods. - structure - fineSTRUCTURE - ADMIXTURE - NGSadmix