Jinliang Yang
Principal Investigator
Contact Information:
University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
363 Keim Hall,
1825 N 38th St,
Lincoln, NE 68583-0915
jinliang.yang at unl dot edu
Google Scholar
Research Interests:
My research focuses on quantitative genetics and statistical genomics of maize and its wild relatives, from historical domestication to future improvement. In particular, we study the genetic and epigenetic inheritance patterns during the maize domestication and improvement processes.
- See the research page to learn more about the on-going research projects in the lab.
- To join the lab, following this instruction here.
- Ph.D. in Interdepartmental Genetics, Iowa State University
- M.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, China Agricultural University
- B.S. in Bio-engineering, China Agricultural University