August, 2024

  • Congratulations to Dr. Eric Rodene and Dr. Hongyu Jin on obtaining their Ph.D. degrees.

May, 2024

  • Congratulations to Dr. Musa Ulutas and Dr. Zhikai Yang on obtaining their Ph.D. degrees.

March, 2024

  • Jinliang is presenting a poster at the Annual Maize Genetics Meeting in Raleigh, NC.

Dec, 2023

  • Congratulations, Kahheetah Barnoskie, on obtaining her MS degree!

April, 2023

  • Musa Ulutas won the 2nd place award for the short presentation at the Corteva-sponsored NE Plant Science Symposium! Congratulations and well done, Musa!

  • Congratulations to our undergrad Luke Olson! Luke’s UCARE application has been accepted for the 2023-2024 program cycle!

Dec, 2022

  • Congratulations, Dr.s Delen! I wish both of you a bright future, Semra and Yavuz!

Sept, 2022

  • Our lab will lead a 2.7M DOE project to improve nitrogen use efficiency.

April, 2022

  • Our lab at the 2022 Maize genetics conference!

Nov, 2021

  • Congratulations, Dr. Meier, on successfully defending his dissertation!

Oct, 2021

  • Harvesting 2021

August, 2021

  • Summer nursery 2021

Nov, 2020

  • Our recent work about methylome evolution is published in Nature Communications. In this study, we investigated the maize epigenetic patterns — a change in phenotype without changing the underlying DNA sequencing. Results from this study suggested essential genes that distinguish maize from its wild ancestor teosinte might be due to epigenetic changes.
  • See news coverage on Nebraska Today.

May, 2020

  • Our lab teams up with van Dijk lab and other labs at UNL to initiate a Summer outreach project: The Nebraska Remote Researchers. Graduate student Michael Meier developed the experiment details. See the news release here and the brief description below.
  • “Plant scientists and Microbiologists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are recruiting motivated high school students from across Nebraska to get involved in and contribute to a hypothesis-driven research project on plants and their root-associated microbes: the NE Remote Researchers Project — exploring the Crop Root Microbiomes in Your Backyard. This is a great opportunity for a student who likes science, especially plant and microbial science, and is interested in connecting to a dynamic research team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. To learn more about this opportunity and to apply to participate please go to the project website: In a nutshell, students will grow some corn and sorghum plants for a six-week period, collect data on these plants and ultimately dig up the roots to collect samples which will be analyzed at UNL to identify the microbiome (the collection of microorganisms) associated with these roots. Students will also learn to isolate a select set of microorganisms known as nitrogen fixers. Please act fast! The registration opens June 1st and will close June 12nd so the project can start on June 15th.

Feb., 2020

  • Eric Rodene gave a presentation at the Phenome2020 conference talking about plot-level time-series aerial imagary data processing. Way to go Eric!

Nov., 2019

  • Welcome Xuerong as a visiting scholar from Shandong Ag Unviersity to visit the lab.

Nov., 2019

  • Welcome Jinlong Li, a visiting student from China Ag Unviersity, to join the lab.

October, 2019

September, 2019

  • Welcome Hongyu and Jing join the lab!

July, 2019

  • The awesome CRRI Aim4 team have dug >3,000 roots in three days. The Yang Lab contributed about 800 of them!

  • The Yang Lab are doing summer genomics workshop.

May, 2019

March, 2019

  • The Yang Lab in St. Louis to attend the 2019 maize genetics conference.

Oct., 2018

  • Welcome Semra to join the Yang lab! She will be co-advised by Ismail Dweikat.
  • Congrats to HudsonAlpha to secure a $3.9 million NSF award. Our lab is participating it to work on sorghum nitrogen use efficiency.

Sept., 2018

  • Our KRN paper has finally come out on G3.

August, 2018

  • Wow! Dr. Gen Xu joined the Yang Lab! Welcome Gen!

July, 2018

  • Welcome Dr. Mei Zhang to join the Yang Lab! We are rapidly growing! :)
  • Happy digging days with the Alfano, Schnable, Sigmon, Clemente and other labs.

June, 2018

  • Welcome Eric and Zhikai to join the Yang Lab!

May, 2018

  • Finished the field planting for the NSF funded CRRI project. Looing forward to the scientific outcomes out of this project!

April, 2018

  • Yang Lab is working with Alfano, Clemente and Schnable Labs on 2018 field layout and seed preparation for a NSF funded CRRI project.

Feb., 2018

  • Jinliang visited University of Missouri. It was a fun trip!

Jan., 2018

  • Raghuprakash Kastoori Ramamurthy joined the lab. He will work on genome-wide mapping of mineralome and other projects. Welcome Raghu!
  • Jinliang gave two talks at PAG 2018.

Nov., 2017

  • Happy to host my postdoc advisor Dr. Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra to visit UNL. Always fun to discuss papers and research ideas with Jeff.

Sept, 2017

  • Finally, our diallel heterosis paper has been accepted by PLOS Genetics. Thanks my colleagues for all your efforts.
  • Congrats to HY Lin and colleagues for the eRD-GWAS paper being accepted by Genome Biology.
  • Congrats to Dr. Dong and colleagues for the Tru1 paper being accepted by PNAS.

July, 2017

  • Excited to announce the brand-new Jinliang Yang Lab.
  • We are hiring undergrad, graduate, and postdoc. See people page for more details.

April, 2017

  • Due to some paperwork delay, the starting date of the Yang Lab will postpone to July.

December, 2016

  • Dr. Yang wrapped up his postdoc work at UC Davis and prepared for his new position.
  • The lab website was up and running.