Inspired by R.E.H.A.B., as well as its fellow journal clubs including EvolFri, C.A.M.P., E.H.R.A.B., Detox, etc., we assemble an informal journal club at UNL to share ideas regarding recent papers or preprints of interest. We focus on, but not limited to, QUantitative genetics and genomics, bio-Informatics and breeding Technologies in all aspects.
Anyone is welcome to suggest a paper (by sending an email to jinliang.yang at and come to talk with us. Nobody will present or defend the papers. We directly jump right into discussion with the assumption that you have read the paper. There is no email list; articles are posted below along with the date.
Our Q.U.I.T. will be changed to Computational Genomics Workshop during the summer!
- 05-10-2019: The genetic architecture of teosinte catalyzed and constrained maize domestication. C-J Yang et al., 2019
teosinte, domestication, genetics
- 04-26-2019: Epsilon-genic effects bridge the gap between polygenic and omnigenic complex traits. Cheng et al., 2019
polygenic, omnigenic, complex trait
- 04-19-2019: Deep learning: new computational modelling techniques for genomics. by Eraslan et al., 2019
genomics, review, machine learning
- 04-12-2019: Fast, scalable prediction of deleterious noncoding variants from functional and population genomic data. by Huang et al.,
evolution, deleterious, genomics
- 04-05-2019: Promoter-anchored chromatin interactions predicted from genetic analysis of epigenomic data. by Wu et al.,
genetics, epigenetics, transcription, HiC
- 03-29-2019: Widespread signatures of negative selection in the genetic architecture of human complex traits. by Zeng et al., 2017
Deleterious alleles, MAF, purifying selection, genomic selection, and polygenicity.
- 03-22-2019: Dysregulation of expression correlates with rare-allele burden and fitness loss in maize. By Kremling et al.,
maize, RNA-seq, deleterious
03-15-2019: In Maize Meeting. No JC.
- 03-08-2019: Technological advances in maize breeding: past, present and future. By Andorf et al.,
maize, breeding, review