class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Asymmetry of responses ] .author[ ### Jinliang Yang ] .date[ ### April 17, 2024 ] --- # Illinois long-term selection experiment .pull-left[ - The experiment started in 1896 by C.G. Hopkins and is [still active](! - They are selecting lines for higher or lower concentration of protein or oil in the maize kernel. - __Mass selection__ was used with a selection intensity of approximately 1 out of 5 for most of the experiment > Selected on the basis of phenotype from a mixed population, their seeds are bulked and used to grow next generation. ] -- .pull-right[ ```r d <- read.csv(file="", na.strings=".", header=TRUE) par(bty="l", pty="m", mar=c(5, 4, 1, 1)) matplot(x=d$YR, y=d[, c("IHP", "ILP", "IHO", "ILO")], type="l", lty=1, xlab="Year", ylab="Concentration (%)", col=c("#8b2323","#8b2323","#458b74","#458b74"), lwd=4) legend("topleft", c("Protein", "Oil"), lty=1, lwd=4, col=c("#8b2323","#458b74"), bty="n") ``` <img src="w13_c2_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Illinois long-term selection experiment ### Variability of the responses .pull-left[ <img src="w13_c2_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- ### Possible reasons? .pull-right[ 1. __Random drift__ due to the restricted number of parents 2. __Sampling error__ in estimating the generation mean 3. Variation of __selection differentials__ 4. __Environmental factors__ ] --- # Illinois long-term selection experiment ### Asymmetry of responses .pull-left[ <img src="w13_c2_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- ### Discussion for possible reasons? whether it is real (need replications) -- .pull-right[ 1. Random drift? 2. Selection differentials? 3. Inbreeding depression? - reduce the rate in the upward and increase it in the downward direction 4. Others? ] --- # Asymmetry of responses ### Discussion for possible reasons? - Genetic asymmetry - Genes with large effects -- #### Other reasons (F&M p211-215): - Scalar asymmetry - uneven or non-proportional changes in different traits - Indirect selection - For example, if a breeding program selects for increased grain yield in wheat and this trait is correlated with plant height, the response in plant height might show asymmetry. - Maternal effects --- # Consequences of selection ### 1. For __how long__ does the response continue? ### 2. By __how much__ the population mean can be changed? ### 3. What is the __genetic nature__ of the limit to further progress? --- # Selection limits ## Long-term results - __Selection limits__, or where response seems to stop, are usually unpredictable. -- But they are very interesting from a biological point of view. -- ## Total response: __Total response ( `\(R_T\)` )__ = selection limit in high direction - selection limit in low direction --- # Total response ### Genetic architecture - Total response depends on __number of loci__ contributing to a given amount of variation. - For a given amount of variation, the number of loci is inversely related to __average size of effects__. -- ### Mutation Long term results become unpredictable, because __mutation__ produces new variation whose nature we cannot predict. --- # Theoretical maximum limit ### Two assumptions: 1. All the loci have the same magnitude of additive effect: `\(a\)` 2. All alleles start at the frequencies of 0.5. -- Then the range between two homozygotes is 2a for one locus. For more than one loci: `\begin{align*} R_T & = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n2a = 2na\\ \end{align*}` -- The additive variance, assuming all alleles start at a frequency of 0.50, for one locus `\begin{align*} \sigma_A^2 & = 2pq(a + d(q-p))^2 = \frac{1}{2}a^2 \\ \end{align*}` -- For more than one loci: `\begin{align*} \sum\sigma_A^2 &= \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{2}a^2 = \frac{1}{2}na^2\\ \end{align*}` --- # Theoretical maximum limit ### Two assumptions: 1. All the loci have the same magnitude of additive effect: `\(a\)` 2. All alleles start at the frequencies of 0.5. `\begin{align*} R_T & = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n2a = 2na\\ \sum\sigma_A^2 &= \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{2}a^2 = \frac{1}{2}na^2\\ \end{align*}` -- The relationship between the range of response and the additive variance is obtained as: `\begin{align*} \frac{R_T^2}{\sum\sigma_A^2} = \frac{4n^2a^2}{\frac{1}{2} na^2} = 8n \\ \end{align*}` --- # For example: | Observation | Exp1 | Exp2 | Exp3 | | :-------: | :-------: | :--------: | :-------: | | `\(R_T/\sum\sigma_A\)` | 100 | 50 | 10 | | `\(n\)` | ? | ? | ? | --- # For example: | Observation | Exp1 | Exp2 | Exp3 | | :-------: | :-------: | :--------: | :-------: | | `\(R_T/\sum\sigma_A\)` | 100 | 50 | 10 | | `\(n=R_T^2/8\sigma_A^2\)` | 1250 | 312.5 | 12.5 | -- ### Theory of limits: The total response relative to the initial genetic variation, depends primarily on __the number of loci__. Addressed the third question to some degree: - What is the __genetic nature__ of the limit to further progress? - i.e., the polygenicity --- how many genetic loci in determining the trait variation --- # Theoretical maximum limit `\begin{align*} R_T & = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n2a = 2na\\ \end{align*}` Only could be achieved if the effective population size being very large. -- ### In practice Limited parents used => unfavorable alleles are fixed by genetic drift. --- # Theoretical maximum limit The chance of fixation of a favorable allele: `\begin{align*} & N_es \\ \end{align*}` - `\(s\)`: selection coefficient. `\(s = i(2a/\sigma_P)\)` given by F&M eq. 11.8. - Selection coefficient refers to the reduced fitness of the genotype being selected against. - `\(N_e\)`: effective population size -- Therefore, the chance of fixation of a favorable is a function of __ `\(N_ei\)`__. -- The total response should be greater: 1. with larger population size ( `\(N_e\)` ) 2. with more intense selection ( `\(i\)` ) --- # Theoretical maximum limit ### Breeder's equation: `\begin{align*} & R = ih^2\sigma_P \\ \end{align*}` This is the predicted response in one generation. -- ### The theoretical half-life of response: Up to about `\(2N_e\)` generations. - `\(N_e\)` is the number of individuals that would give rise to the calculated sampling variance. -- `\begin{align*} & R_{max} = 2N_eih^2\sigma_P \\ \end{align*}` > Robertson 1960 --- # The theoretical half-life of response: `\begin{align*} & R_{max} = 2N_eih^2\sigma_P \\ \end{align*}` - The theoretical maximum response is the total response attained if the trait were controlled by an infinite number of loci. - For maximum response to divergent selection (i.e. range between high and low lines) - selection intensity, `\(i\)`, is the sum of selection intensities in the two directions. - This does no more than set an upper limit to what can be expected. --- # Illinois long-term selection experiment .pull-left[ ### Predict the theoretical limit? <img src="w13_c2_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ #### From Moose et al., 2004 and Dudley and Lambert, 2004: - In 1896, 163 ears from the open-pollinated variety Burr's White, 24 highest ears formed the Illinois high oil strain (IHO) (__Ne ~ 4-12__) - Later, 300-500 kernels => __Ne raised to a maximum of 96__ - About 20% selected in each generation - Realized `\(h^2 = 0.25\)` - `\(\sigma_P\)` about 0.9 ```r ifun(0.2) ``` ``` ## [1] 1.39981 ``` ] --- # Illinois long-term selection experiment .pull-left[ ### Predict the theoretical limit? <img src="w13_c2_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ `\begin{align*} & R_{max} = 2N_eih^2\sigma_P \\ \end{align*}` ```r 2*12*ifun(0.2)*0.25*0.9 ``` ``` ## [1] 7.558972 ``` ```r 2*96*ifun(0.2)*0.25*0.9 ``` ``` ## [1] 60.47177 ``` ] --- # Summary of the long-term selection ### 1. For __how long__ does the response continue? `\begin{align*} & 2N_e \\ \end{align*}` -- ### 2. By __how much__ the population mean can be changed? `\begin{align*} & R_{max} = 2N_eih^2\sigma_P \\ \end{align*}` -- ### 3. What is the __genetic nature__ of the limit to further progress? `\begin{align*} & n= \frac{R_T^2}{8\sigma_A^2}\\ \end{align*}`