As computational/statistical researchers, we often found ourselves had a hard in finding data, codes or related notes. From several years of research experience, I experimented many note-taking and project management tools. Among those, I found the following practices are the most efficient and productive ones.

Git controlled

Of course, it should be git controlled and better to be put on Github. Git enables us to work collaboratively and to track any changes from anybody. I would suggest all my coworkers put their research codes on github.

To store data, especially large data sets, I would suggest put them in shared data folders among lab members and put a symbolic link in your current project. Or creat a largedata folder in your current project and .gitignore the folder. Github offers a handy collection of .gitignore files, some of which are global and can be added to your global .gitignore, and others which are project specific.

Commit Messages

Use informative commit messages.
Read the following suggestions:

  1. How to write a git commit message
  2. On commit messages

Project Directory Architecture

In a typical R project, I will copy the following folder into the project dir. The layout of directories is based on the idea from ProjectTemplate.

  1. cache: Here we store intermediate data sets that are generated during preprocessing steps.
  2. data: Here we store our raw data of small size. Data of large size, i.e. > 100M, store in a largedata folder that has been ignored using .gitignore.
  3. doc: Documentation codes (i.e. Rmd files) for generating the figures.
  4. graphs: Graphs produced during the analysis.
  5. lib: Some functions used within this project.
  6. munge: Here we store some preprocessing or data munging codes.
  7. profilling: Main scripts for the project. It contains some sub-directories.
  8. TODO: A todo list, markdown file.
  9. README: readme file.

Numbering system for codes ordering

To manage research codes, I employ a numbering system. As shown in the below example from one of my research projects, I have multiple subfolders in the profilling folder. Codes were named by number, letter and other numbers separated with dots. My research was conducted according the order, i.e. I processed phenotypic traits using 1.A.0_pheno_trait.R and then plotted the data using 1.A.1_pheno_plot.R. It will always easier for me to go back to re-visit some of the codes or re-plot the figures with this numbering and codes ordering system.
